Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day # 3

I have been writing a story about a dog named Dash. ~ Colter

I wrote a series about the Orpheus Prophecy. ~ Alex Johnson

I am going to write a story about Inky called "Inky Part 2: The Pranks"~Cooper

A poem from Fisher:

Cody is my dog, and he acts like a frog.
You should tell him he is a dog.

When he ate dad's turkey ~ my dad went beserky.

He screamed and yelled and almost felled.

Cody wants to come to Thanksgiving, but I think he should just be glad he is living.

(my original language) ~ shen hoa bern so te res der lit duo kit yre (translation – Today I finished my book. It is called "When aliens attack." ~ Drew ...